Project Grant: Non-invasive brain stimulation may help re-learning of movement after stroke
Non-invasive brain stimulation may help re-learning of movement after stroke
Non-invasive brain stimulation to improve word finding abilities in stroke survivors
Non-invasive brain stimulation to improve word-finding abilities in stroke survivors
Reconstructing sentence processing in aphasia
Everyday talking involves being able to understand sentences, something that can be affected by aphasia. This research will design and test a new therapy which aims to help improve understanding of everyday sentences in people with aphasia.
Is fatigue after stroke caused by reduced 'excitability' of the brain?
Up to 70% of stroke survivors complain of tiredness or fatigue, sometimes years after stroke. Unlike normal tiredness, post stroke fatigue does not always respond to rest. The cause of extreme tiredness is not known and there are no definitive treatments available. This research investigates the use of non-invasive brain stimulation to see whether low 'excitability' of the brain causes fatigue after stroke.